San Andreas order on Shelter-in-Place

Both Public Health Departments of the Counties of Santa Clara and Santa Cruz have ordered all individuals to shelter at their place of residence except to provide or receive essential services or to engage in essential activities and work for essential businesses. Essential businesses are those that provide food, shelter, and social services, and other necessities of life for economically disadvantaged or otherwise needy individuals. This means service provider employees who provide essential services as defined below are able to work, as well as travel to and from work. Service providers serving individuals in these two counties should work with the individuals and families as well as their SARC Service Coordinator to determine if a service is essential.

Essential services include:

  1. Residential Care Facilities and Intermediate Care Facilities

  2. Supported Living Services

Essential services may include:

  1. Independent Living Services – for individuals who reside independently

  2. Crisis Support Services – in extreme crisis situations

  3. Supported Employment Services

Essential services may not include:

  1. Day Programs

  2. Tailored Day Services

  3. Independent Living Services – for individuals who reside in the family home

  4. Respite services

For services that are or may be considered essential, SARC is requesting:

  1. A list of the individuals the service provider is currently serving

  2. A contingency plan for any staffing issues that may arise