Other Features
Apollo Adult Day Program will have twenty-four (24) operational non-audio video surveillance cameras both within and outside the facility, to ensure and promote safety for both participants and staff. All cameras are installed in and out of the facility and only in common/public areas such as hallways and the common rooms (excluding restrooms and conference rooms). The application for the cameras is not accessible to the public, but only to management personnel has access to the video’s feed via a console located in a locked room. Management staff is required to input a password to enable them to log into the camera’s application via the console. Videos are recorded throughout the week and are set to automatically erase once every two (2) weeks at midnight (12:00AM) on Saturday.
All participants will be given a consent form in regards to the cameras sent along with their acceptance packet to inform them, their conservators (if applicable), homes, Service Coordinator, and families of the use of video surveillance within the facility.
Recordings are for the sole purpose of ensuring safety for individuals, staff, and our facility. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.