AADP Safe Reopening Guidebook and Policies
This guidebook, safety plan and policies aim to provide Apollo ADP participants, families, care home providers and staff with information on full reopening of our day program facility on August 2, 2021. These guidelines follow Santa Clara County’s health and safety protocols to maximize day program services and mitigate the spread of COVID-19 between and among individuals, staff and the community. Please note that this guidance is based on current knowledge of how COVID-19 is transmitted. Our strategies are continuously evolving and will be revised based on changing public health guidelines, surveys and input from families, care home Administrators, SARC, CCLD, Apollo ADP staff, and ongoing Apollo ADP Admin team review.
Our team has been working to develop plans to safely and effectively support our individuals to returning back to normalcy. Our decisions throughout this process have been guided by the following principle: protect the health and safety of our individuals and staff, while also providing the best services possible. Throughout this time, our team continuous to be creative in providing meaningful activities to keep our Apollo family (staff, participants, their families and care home staff), strong and connected through our alternative services. We are grateful to everyone who provided valuable input and ideas to help shape our reopening plans.
While vaccination rates are climbing and number of infections declining, we all know that the Coronavirus is still a threat. Now that some parts of our lives are making their way back to a new “normal” we want you to be prepared for some of the changes that you will experience when you return. Information will be updated as new guidance is provided and adjustments will be made to meet the unique needs and circumstances of our community without compromising safety
Executive Director, Patrick Laurel will be the designated person to be responsible for overseeing infection control which entails providing education and training on infection prevention, training on topics including proper donning and doffing of personal protective equipment, and monitoring of staff on a regular basis to ensure they are adhering to infection prevention and control guidelines. The designated person will keep record of all persons who have been infected or is a person under investigation got COVID-19... more